As I approach 40, I've reached a stage where pretty much everything gets on my tits to some extent.
My pet hate for the day is people who sign off e-mails by putting KR's after their name. As I understand it, KR's is an abbreviation for kind regards. You put it at the bottom of your e-mails as a platitude after explaining why you haven't completed the urgent task that they have been nagging you about for weeks.
However, typing kind regards is very onerous (I've just typed it twice and am now knackered) so you just put KRs. What this says to me is "I would like to offer you my kindest regards. However, I'm not that bothered about doing so. At least I'm not so bothered that I can be arsed to type it out." What is really galling is that people use the automatic signature thing in Outlook and have it as part of that. They don't even have to type it, just hit the button, and they still can't be arsed. Thanks. Thanks a ****ing bunch.
Today I get one signed off saying "Best". Nothing else, just the body of the message, "Best" and the person's name. Best what? George Best? Best Bitter? Best deals on carpets?
City 5 - 0 Sunderland
13 years ago